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 Post subject: Rules
PostPosted: Sat 01. Nov 2014 19:20:36 

Joined: Wed 24. Sep 2014 19:17:49
Posts: 42

Points: 13 724
Cash: $152 337
All players must respect rules written here. Ignorance is no excuse in law.

A) Forum rules:

1. Everyone is permitted to say his own opinion by principles of etiquette.

2. Insulting, sexual harassment, offensive or agressive behaviour is not allowed.

3. Before sending report/request or reply, check right section and text.

4. Hold the outline of the topic. Don't do OffTopic!

5. It's necessary to keep topic outline and to follow rules of the forum sections.

6. Acting in contrary to the rules of this portal may be punished on the server or forum.

7. Is strictly banned to share:
(i) Any other competitive server/forum.
(ii) Any 18+ content.
(iii) Any Content in contrary with the laws of Czech Republic.

8. Multiposting is not allowed. (2 and more replies in a row)

9. Signature maximum sizes are 690px x 300px.

10. Gifs and another movable pictures have to be in spoiler.

11. In case of writing complaint you are obliged to say full truth, otherwise should complaint turn against you!

12. Advertising in signature/posts is strictly banned.

13. By reopening inactive topics older than 1 month, you will be warned. Exceptioned are only still actual topics without solution.

14. Keep short, concise, passing informations by creating new topics (E.g. "Bug", "Report" are not concised. "Login bug", "Report at miki_Cz" are concised and right.)

B) Server rules

1. It's banned to join server with any offensive nick,or with a similiar nick as a permanent player/admin.

2. It's banned to flood server or to use cheats.

3. It's banned to fraud players/administrators!

4. It's banned to log in as other player or using his account without his permission.

5a. It's banned to abuse bugs, player is obliged to report it on forum!

5b. It's banned to abuse mapbugs for shortcuts in totally lenght more than 1/4 of the map. If is player accused his toptime will be deleted. By repeating player will be banned.

6. It's banned to use /votekill when admin's online.

7. It's allowed to take only one hunter for a map.

8. Don't insult administrators!

9. Don't join server while having low FPS or high ping, administrator will punish you.

10. It's banned to write with "CAPSLock"(Big letters).

11. It's banned to do double toptime (toptime from another logins with the same nick.)

12. It’s strictly banned to advertise on another servers.

13. Excuses like: "My brother have done.." will be automatically banned.

14. It’s banned to trade with accounts! In case of trading will be account blocked and never unblocked!

15. Don't insult much.

16. Provoking admin should be banned!

17. It's banned to set/redo maps more than 2 times.

18. It’s banned to go on clanchat („CH“).

19. It’s banned to use another language as Czech, Slovak or English in main chat.

20. While repeated "KMZ" will be player punished.

C) Administrator rules

1. It’s banned to abuse admin rights.

2. Administrators follow the same rules as players.

3. It’s banned to connive player or clan.

4. Administrator has to be judical to all.

5. Administrator may not share his login and password!

6. Administrator may not ask for level up.

7. It’s banned to use punishment reason "demence" ("stupidity")

8. It’s strictly banned to copy materials, texts and conversations from admin chat (Admin chat in game and skype conversation). When this rule broken, admin will be permanently kicked from admin team.

*If the administrator found guilty of any complaint, he will be issued warning. If it is second warning he will lose Admin rights!
*If the administrator found guilty of any complaints, and it was heavy offens he will lose Admin rights.

System of penalties-FORUM
3.warning-1 week ban
4.warning-2 weeks ban
5.warnings-1 month ban
6+warnings-Permanent ban

What is not in the rules is not necessarily allowed!

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