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 Post subject: Why?
PostPosted: Mon 10. Nov 2014 19:17:16 
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Look at [FUN] SuperM@N - Battle V2
Why was this map deleted? It was deleted 1 year ago and it's still at 13th place.

Przechwytywanie.PNG [ 101.34 KiB | Viewed 20836 times ]

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eS| - epic Skillz <3


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 Post subject: Re: Why?
PostPosted: Mon 10. Nov 2014 19:48:25 
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Because it's not a proper shooter map so it got deleted when FunDD was being transformed into Shooter.

Ten nepodstatnej hlavni admin :D


 Post subject: Re: Why?
PostPosted: Mon 10. Nov 2014 19:54:15 
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MIKI785 wrote:
Because it's not a proper shooter map so it got deleted when FunDD was being transformed into Shooter.

I know .. voting etc. but.. as you said "fdd was transformated to shooter" ok..
but why cant you transformate Fun to Fun DD? i think you've got scripts.. many players wants it back.
witness extreme infernus, superman v2 , 7t , 5t , and many else maps... we all want these maps back, especialy those not proper shooter maps.....
I'm not a shooter player, neither fun player nor dd player..
Even if fdd will not exist anymore.. tell me ;(

P.S. : I'm sure you won't repeat. You're not repeating if some1 asks for FDD.

Me? Sarcastic? Never.
eS| - epic Skillz <3


Me - shooter player? No, never. I'm Fun DD player.


 Post subject: Re: Why?
PostPosted: Mon 10. Nov 2014 20:06:41 
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And I was sure you'll do this again.

Me? Sarcastic? Never.
eS| - epic Skillz <3


Me - shooter player? No, never. I'm Fun DD player.


 Post subject: Re: Why?
PostPosted: Tue 11. Nov 2014 18:48:26 
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NinjaMediC wrote:
And I was sure you'll do this again.

You know what is the most worst part? That he is so lazy and cowardly, that he does not respond to this questions regarding "Fun -> FunDD", he have not any arguments, he is just lazy as helll.
He even though know, that would have increased activity, more revenues and players would appreciate it, ye he know it, but he is just lazy to do it. I dont see other cause and I dont see no one negative why do not remake FUN to FunDD!!..


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 Post subject: Re: Why?
PostPosted: Tue 11. Nov 2014 22:32:10 
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You know what, Raven? When Fun DD hadn't even anti-spawnkill script, I had one in-game dream.. to join KisS|.
And I did it.. before all transformations to NMW, =BOSS= etc. But also FUN DD had one big transformation .. to Shooter.
And then I joined. But it wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare.. being in you favourite clan, but no more Fun DD.
Unlucky as hell, ain't it? :( And now I have other dream. To remake Fun DD. But now, I think this will never happen'.
I was Fun DD player. I am Fun DD player. I will be Fun DD player. I know you're reading this, miki.
But the question is - why aren't you repeating?

Me? Sarcastic? Never.
eS| - epic Skillz <3


Me - shooter player? No, never. I'm Fun DD player.


 Post subject: Re: Why?
PostPosted: Wed 12. Nov 2014 22:08:52 
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Medic i don't he will repet before he was so active when the server wasen't so popular as now he stard be inactive this few years so sry for your dreams because i don't think that funDD will back

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