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Author:  NinjaMediC [ Sun 17. Aug 2014 23:18:08 ]
Post subject:  FunDD.

Yup, It's me again. Today I have one of the biggest suggestion that you could see. The back of beloved FUN DD. As you could see, more players choosed to change Fun DD to Shooter. But why can't FunDD come back? I forget that sweet feeling when I played 7T ;) As I saw there's 5 servers, 1# DM , 2# DD, 4# Shooter, 5# FUN, 6# Race. What about 3# ? :] Maybe the lucky 3 is waiting to be open as FunDD :D Please, think about this, As I remember, about 35% players has choosen FunDD to stay, so they can be happy as me in FunDD will be back. That's all. Thank you for reading. If somewhere's similiar topic, please delete this and give me link to older. Thank you again MediC.

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Author:  Erosion [ Sun 17. Aug 2014 23:28:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: FunDD.

If you are so genius and have suggestion about FunDD, why you didn't post it in "Suggestion section"?

Author:  NinjaMediC [ Sun 17. Aug 2014 23:33:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: FunDD.

Erosion wrote:
If you are so genius and have suggestion about FunDD, why you didn't post it in "Suggestion section"?

Details... I know I know... "I have to go home, I'm drunk"... but.. can you open your heart for this topic? Speak out about that what I said, not about deatils. Move it if you can, I don't know how to, sorry.

Author:  _SebaN// [ Mon 18. Aug 2014 2:34:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: FunDD.

MediC, I want too FUNDD server..
But.. here is much topic's about this.. ;/

Author:  NinjaMediC [ Mon 18. Aug 2014 21:04:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: FunDD.

_SebaN// wrote:
MediC, I want too FUNDD server..
But.. here is much topic's about this.. ;/

Hello Mattex. I didn't see any topic like mine. My last visit at forum before yesterday was about three months ago, so if there was any topics, they can be locked now.

Author:  Nik^ [ Mon 18. Aug 2014 21:43:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: FunDD.

Well we already suggested that Fun should change to FunDD but only miki has to decide and do anything with it.

Author:  NinjaMediC [ Tue 19. Aug 2014 14:09:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: FunDD.

Nik^ wrote:
Well we already suggested that Fun should change to FunDD but only miki has to decide and do anything with it.

Hope he'll choose our way, cuz it isn't hard to can't play ur favourite maps ;C

Author:  Script#~ [ Sat 22. Nov 2014 17:35:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: FunDD.

Medic? im With You :)

Author:  =R.aVe.N= [ Sat 22. Nov 2014 23:20:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: FunDD.

=R.aVe.N= wrote:
NinjaMediC wrote:
And I was sure you'll do this again.

You know what is the most worst part? That he is so lazy and cowardly, that he does not respond to this questions regarding "Fun -> FunDD", he have not any arguments, he is just lazy as helll.
He even though know, that would have increased activity, more revenues and players would appreciate it, ye he know it, but he is just lazy to do it. I dont see other cause and I dont see no one negative why do not remake FUN to FunDD!!..

=R.aVe.N= wrote:
But Miki own server "#3", it is called 'Development server', but at this time is unfortunately offline, I also dont understand why this developer server dont carries last number of all servers.. Rename server is not at all difficult, anyway at least it would all be clearer!
Of course it would be nice remake FUN server on FunDD!!

NinjaMediC wrote:
But I think converting Fun to Fun DD is better. Miki needs development server to see which changes are good , which are bad, etc, and .. FUN isn't scripted as well, plenty of spawnkillers and people insulting each other. I think changing this to FUN DD will be great recall of lost memories :)
=R.aVe.N= wrote:
I definitely agree with you. :thumbup:

I already wrote it somewhere, so I will not write it again, write more to again it makes no sence. ^^ :) :thumbup:

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