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 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 1:37:34 
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This must be a bad joke. Perma ban for kmz is pure foolishness. He makes players angry but for example I NEVER got kmz from him. He plays with kmz style and what? Someone shoots from big distance, someone shoots from middle distance and Gandalf was shooting from reaaaaally short distance. I think that this is mistake and I am for unban

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 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 10:10:36 
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gandalf wrote:
The admin found an excuse to ban me.He even can't tell me why he banned me.

it's realy nice suggestion ban him for 1 week if he style doin kmz with no stop he get perma ban

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 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 10:12:57 
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Erosion wrote:
This must be a bad joke. Perma ban for kmz is pure foolishness. He makes players angry but for example I NEVER got kmz from him. He plays with kmz style and what? Someone shoots from big distance, someone shoots from middle distance and Gandalf was shooting from reaaaaally short distance. I think that this is mistake and I am for unban

Erosion but he never stop doing kmz not like the others they do it only once and they stop it's fun for him but WE where is our fun if he kmz us sometimes i leave the server because of him

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 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 12:05:29 
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Laxel wrote:
no tak keď som ho nahovoril (resp že som ho chcel do klanu (čo není ani jedno pravda)

:lol: Já bych řekl že obojí je pravda. Viděl jsem to na vlastní oči.
Co se týče banu, tak dávat to Promxovi za vinu je kravina, protože se udělala admin anketa, která byla pro zabanování.

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 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 13:13:46 

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Can you please talk in english?


 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 13:21:31 

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1janko41 wrote:
UNBAN kmz is not breaking rules. He testing players who is angry and who not.

Im rly arent angry player, but gandalf is so annoying, and he did me angry player. :)


 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 13:36:19 
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seriem na EN :D tak ešte môžem dodať že to čo robil gandalf nebolo celkom kmz ale skôr obmedzovanie alebo znemožňovanie hry. Kmz je samozrejme normálna vec aj mne sa to stane, každému, ale čo robil gandalf to nemalo hraníc za každým od začatia hry išiel po mne (aj po ostatných ale hlavne po FoX) ani raz nevystrelil len došiel ku mne a KMZ. Pred tím čo robil sa nedá nijak ubrániť. Sa stačí pozrieť na príspevky iných a hneď je jasne že aj ostatný máju s nim problém, robil to vedome a naschvál... Takže nieje čo riešiť.

Promx mu ban nechcel dát dal mu par krát kick, dávali sme mu varovania a nič neponaučil sa, až pokiaľ prosili hráči promxa o jeho ban, keď videl Promx čo ten gandalf robí tak mu dal ban a 80% servera sme mu vďačný.



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 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 14:11:41 
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I'm for UB. Sometimes he killed me by this style, but I don't mind it. It isn't breaking rules.

PS: I am suggesting to edit rules now, because there is a lot of complaints on it. (for example edit advertising rule and add "kamikaze" rule)



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 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 16:17:05 
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It is worsening the game for others.

In rules is:
Co není v pravidlech, nemusí být nutně povoleno!
What is not in the rules is not necessarily allowed

And I absolutely don't understand what makes him always happy on that!!!
(Co toho kokota může na těch kamikadzích kurva furt bavit?! to mi do háje vysvětlete)

Play normally and enjoy the game and do not make a fool of himself, Motherfuckin Gandalf.

Do not give him a chance again! The chances he had enough!

And add a rule that an person must not worsen the game for others!
A great example is this.
Adieu welfare!


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 Post subject: Re: Unban gandalf
PostPosted: Sun 18. Jan 2015 16:58:09 
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=R.aVe.N= wrote:
It is worsening the game for others.

In rules is:
Co není v pravidlech, nemusí být nutně povoleno!
What is not in the rules is not necessarily allowed

And I absolutely don't understand what makes him always happy on that!!!
(Co toho kokota může na těch kamikadzích kurva furt bavit?! to mi do háje vysvětlete)

Play normally and enjoy the game and do not make a fool of himself, Motherfuckin Gandalf.

Do not give him a chance again! The chances he had enough!

And add a rule that an person must not worsen the game for others!
A great example is this.
Adieu welfare!

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