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 Post subject: Complaint about Maresak
PostPosted: Mon 18. Jan 2016 23:21:09 
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Nick of the player: -HF-Maresak
Server it happened on: Shooter
Date and time when it happened: 18.01.2016
What did the person do, which rules have been broken:

Kraken says " zf gay clan" - no reaction of admins
I say: "Black gay clan" - Maresak mutes me for one hour (Insult) ?
Screenshot or witnesses (at least 2):
Spoiler: show

so Kraken may say every shit about our clan and he doesn't get punished? In which world does Maresak live in?
Spoiler: show

And for you: I didn't say anything else than "Black gay clan".


PostPosted: Mon 18. Jan 2016 23:39:55 
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Do you know what Hyena players told me, when I gave them mute or ban for insulting? That I can't punish truth.

Přítel mé ženy je i můj přítel, neboť kdo oře moje pole, šetří můj pluh.


PostPosted: Mon 18. Jan 2016 23:41:43 
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What happened in the past is in the past. This is a new Complaint, because I get punished and Blacks just don't get punished while saying same shit like me.


PostPosted: Tue 19. Jan 2016 16:22:03 
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Genetikk wrote:
I say: "Black gay clan" - Maresak mutes me for one hour (Insult) ?

Good job, Marešáku :clap: :lol:

However to the point. Both sides has violated the rules, but you have been muted, so you had to write something else. I want to see the log from that time.



Spoiler: show



PostPosted: Tue 19. Jan 2016 16:23:48 
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Want know why all give mutes,bans, and etc. to ZF ?
Because all hate zf:)

Think what u did twice,before u did it.


PostPosted: Tue 19. Jan 2016 18:13:45 
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Buke wrote:
Genetikk wrote:
I say: "Black gay clan" - Maresak mutes me for one hour (Insult) ?

Good job, Marešáku :clap: :lol:

However to the point. Both sides has violated the rules, but you have been muted, so you had to write something else. I want to see the log from that time.

Eh. No. Just like I said. I didn't say anything else and I'm the only one who got muted.
Here you have it:
Spoiler: show
[2016-01-18 22:13:44] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: zf gay clan
[2016-01-18 22:13:48] [Output] : #Misiek: ye
[2016-01-18 22:13:49] [Output] : ZF'Leqendz: ahter
[2016-01-18 22:13:49] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: :D
[2016-01-18 22:13:51] [Output] : ZF'Genetikk: black gay clan
[2016-01-18 22:13:52] [Output] : [!] #GamerRulez has left the game [Timed Out]
[2016-01-18 22:13:53] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:54] [Output] : ZF'Leqendz: hater*
[2016-01-18 22:14:06] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: KocuR killed ZF'Leqendz !
[2016-01-18 22:14:06] [Output] : [!] Styk is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:11] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: ZF'Genetikk killed KocuR !
[2016-01-18 22:14:11] [Output] : ZF - Zero Fear has been added 1 win!
[2016-01-18 22:14:11] [Output] : ZF'Genetikk is first! He wins 169 points and 689$!
[2016-01-18 22:14:12] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: KocuR killed ZF'Genetikk !
[2016-01-18 22:14:12] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: zf buz fak kok pic cyk bly suk clan
[2016-01-18 22:14:12] [Output] : (TEAM) ZF'Leqendz: nice
[2016-01-18 22:14:16] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:17] [Output] : (TEAM) ZF'Genetikk: xd
[2016-01-18 22:14:19] [Output] : [!] ZF'Leqendz is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:19] [Output] : [!] KocuR has been unmuted by Console.
[2016-01-18 22:14:20] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:20] [Output] : [!] ZF'Genetikk has been muted by -HF-Maresak312. (insults) (1 hour)
[2016-01-18 22:14:22] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:23] [Output] : -HF-Maresak312: !osdm
[2016-01-18 22:14:23] [Output] : -HF-Maresak312 has gone to our OsDM server!
[2016-01-18 22:14:24] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:25] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:26] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 has left the game [Quit]
[2016-01-18 22:14:27] [Output] : [!] ZF'Al_Capone is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:29] [Output] : [!] Wika has joined the game.
[2016-01-18 22:14:29] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:30] [Output] : [Y]Corey+: 3
[2016-01-18 22:14:31] [Output] : [DD] System: DD is currently playing 0 players! (!dd)
[2016-01-18 22:14:31] [Output] : [Y]Corey+: 3
[2016-01-18 22:14:31] [Output] : [!] Vote ended! [Play again (3)]
[2016-01-18 22:14:32] [Output] : Map '[Shooter]Ervin ft. Neo - The Circle' started.
[2016-01-18 22:14:32] [Output] : Map rated: 48/26 Average: 22
[2016-01-18 22:14:32] [Output] : Map has been played 885 times.
[2016-01-18 22:14:35] [Output] : Bildschirmfoto aufgenommen: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\screenshots\mta-screen_2016-01-18_22-14-35.png'
[2016-01-18 22:14:36] [Output] : Bildschirmfoto aufgenommen: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\screenshots\mta-screen_2016-01-18_22-14-36.png'
[2016-01-18 22:14:36] [Output] : [!] Styk has left the game [Quit]
[2016-01-18 22:14:37] [Output] : [OsDM] System: OsDM is currently playing 3 players! (!osdm)
[2016-01-18 22:14:37] [Output] : Bildschirmfoto aufgenommen: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\screenshots\mta-screen_2016-01-18_22-14-37.png'
[2016-01-18 22:14:38] [Output] : [DM] System: DM is currently playing 8 players! (!dm)
[2016-01-18 22:14:38] [Output] : Bildschirmfoto aufgenommen: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\screenshots\mta-screen_2016-01-18_22-14-38.png'
[2016-01-18 22:14:40] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: takovy spravedlny ten maresak :P
[2016-01-18 22:14:41] [Output] : Bildschirmfoto aufgenommen: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\screenshots\mta-screen_2016-01-18_22-14-41.png'
[2016-01-18 22:14:42] [Output] : Bildschirmfoto aufgenommen: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\screenshots\mta-screen_2016-01-18_22-14-42.png'
[2016-01-18 22:14:45] [Output] : Bildschirmfoto aufgenommen: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\screenshots\mta-screen_2016-01-18_22-14-45.png'
[2016-01-18 22:14:50] [Output] : [!] ZF'Leqendz is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:50] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:53] [Output] : [!] ZFCataLina has joined the game.
[2016-01-18 22:14:55] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: [???]#ZEZO.ZERO# killed ZF'Al_Capone !
[2016-01-18 22:14:56] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: Black::.Kraken killed -HF-^Kelin#~ !
[2016-01-18 22:14:58] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: Mefisto killed ZF'Leqendz !
[2016-01-18 22:14:59] [Output] : [!] Use F3 to view your user panel.
[2016-01-18 22:15:00] [Output] : ZF'Leqendz: KMZ
[2016-01-18 22:15:01] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: Black::.Kraken killed ZF'Genetikk !
[2016-01-18 22:15:01] [Output] : You are 8th ! You got 21 points and 86$ !
[2016-01-18 22:15:02] [Output] : [!] ZF'Leqendz is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:15:02] [Output] : [!] ZF'Genetikk is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:15:04] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: Black::.Kraken killed [???]#ZEZO.ZERO# !
[2016-01-18 22:15:05] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:15:06] [Output] : [RACE] System: RACE is currently playing 0 players! (!race)
[2016-01-18 22:15:09] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: #Misiek killed [Y]Corey+ !
[2016-01-18 22:15:10] [Output] : [!] [???]#ZEZO.ZERO# is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:15:14] [Output] : [!] [Y]Corey+ is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:15:19] [Output] : [!] [Y]Corey+ is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:15:19] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: haha genetik is naaaab :D

You can see that Black::.Kraken is provokating me after it again...

So this time you ain't right Buke. I said Nothing before it.

(PS: This "Bildschirmfoto aufgenommen: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\screenshots\mta-screen_2016-01-18_22-14-45.png'" is german and triggered by me. Notification that I took a screenshot.)


PostPosted: Tue 19. Jan 2016 18:43:04 
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With what i don't have a truth? Have I written a conclussion? No! Send me a log where can I see what happened before that incident!
I really don't know why you sent here the useless part of log. I would like to see a log from administrator too.
If they differ, you will be punished in a game for lying on complaints to the administrator.



Spoiler: show



PostPosted: Tue 19. Jan 2016 19:00:47 
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There is nothing before thats why I didnt copy it!!!! How often I have to tell ya?

Spoiler: show
[2016-01-18 22:12:30] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: krak
[2016-01-18 22:12:31] [Output] : [DD] System: DD is currently playing 0 players! (!dd)
[2016-01-18 22:12:31] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: en
[2016-01-18 22:12:32] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:12:34] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:12:38] [Output] : [DM] System: DM is currently playing 8 players! (!dm)
[2016-01-18 22:12:42] [Output] : [OsDM] System: OsDM is currently playing 2 players! (!osdm)
[2016-01-18 22:12:42] [Output] : [!] Vote ended! [Play again (3)]
[2016-01-18 22:12:42] [Output] : Map '[Shooter]Ervin ft. Neo - The Circle' started.
[2016-01-18 22:12:42] [Output] : Map rated: 48/26 Average: 22
[2016-01-18 22:12:42] [Output] : Map has been played 884 times.
[2016-01-18 22:12:47] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: !cash
[2016-01-18 22:12:47] [Output] : Black::.Kraken has 4 937 961$ !
[2016-01-18 22:12:48] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: !cash
[2016-01-18 22:12:48] [Output] : Black::.Kraken has 4 937 961$ !
[2016-01-18 22:12:49] [Output] : [!] Visit us at
[2016-01-18 22:12:49] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: !cash
[2016-01-18 22:12:49] [Output] : Black::.Kraken has 4 937 961$ !
[2016-01-18 22:12:54] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: !cash
[2016-01-18 22:12:54] [Output] : Black::.Kraken has 4 937 961$ !
[2016-01-18 22:12:55] [Output] : #Misiek: kraken poor
[2016-01-18 22:12:56] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: !cash
[2016-01-18 22:12:56] [Output] : Black::.Kraken has 4 937 961$ !
[2016-01-18 22:13:01] [Output] : [!] ZF'Al_Capone is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:02] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 has joined the game.
[2016-01-18 22:13:03] [Output] : [!] ZF'Genetikk is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:04] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:07] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: ZF'Al_Capone killed Mefisto !
[2016-01-18 22:13:07] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: Mefisto killed ZF'Al_Capone !
[2016-01-18 22:13:07] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: [Y]Corey+ killed -HF-^Kelin#~ !
[2016-01-18 22:13:09] [Output] : [!] ZF'Al_Capone is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:11] [Output] : [RACE] System: RACE is currently playing 0 players! (!race)
[2016-01-18 22:13:12] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: [???]#ZEZO.ZERO# killed -HF-Maresak312 !
[2016-01-18 22:13:13] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:14] [Output] : [!] #GamerRulez is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:15] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: ZF'Genetikk killed #Misiek !
[2016-01-18 22:13:16] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: #Misiek killed -HF-$/\$ !
[2016-01-18 22:13:23] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: KocuR killed #GamerRulez !
[2016-01-18 22:13:24] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: ZF'Genetikk killed Styk !
[2016-01-18 22:13:25] [Output] : [!] Styk is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:26] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: KocuR killed [Y]Corey+ !
[2016-01-18 22:13:31] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:31] [Output] : [!] #GamerRulez is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:34] [Output] : [!] -HF-$/\$ has left the game [Quit]
[2016-01-18 22:13:40] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: ZF'Leqendz killed Black::.Kraken !
[2016-01-18 22:13:42] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:44] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: zf gay clan
[2016-01-18 22:13:48] [Output] : #Misiek: ye
[2016-01-18 22:13:49] [Output] : ZF'Leqendz: ahter
[2016-01-18 22:13:49] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: :D
[2016-01-18 22:13:51] [Output] : ZF'Genetikk: black gay clan
[2016-01-18 22:13:52] [Output] : [!] #GamerRulez has left the game [Timed Out]
[2016-01-18 22:13:53] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:13:54] [Output] : ZF'Leqendz: hater*
[2016-01-18 22:14:06] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: KocuR killed ZF'Leqendz !
[2016-01-18 22:14:06] [Output] : [!] Styk is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:11] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: ZF'Genetikk killed KocuR !
[2016-01-18 22:14:11] [Output] : ZF - Zero Fear has been added 1 win!
[2016-01-18 22:14:11] [Output] : ZF'Genetikk is first! He wins 169 points and 689$!
[2016-01-18 22:14:12] [Output] : [!] [Shooter]: KocuR killed ZF'Genetikk !
[2016-01-18 22:14:12] [Output] : Black::.Kraken: zf buz fak kok pic cyk bly suk clan
[2016-01-18 22:14:12] [Output] : (TEAM) ZF'Leqendz: nice
[2016-01-18 22:14:16] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:17] [Output] : (TEAM) ZF'Genetikk: xd
[2016-01-18 22:14:19] [Output] : [!] ZF'Leqendz is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:19] [Output] : [!] KocuR has been unmuted by Console.
[2016-01-18 22:14:20] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:20] [Output] : [!] ZF'Genetikk has been muted by -HF-Maresak312. (insults) (1 hour)
[2016-01-18 22:14:22] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:23] [Output] : -HF-Maresak312: !osdm
[2016-01-18 22:14:23] [Output] : -HF-Maresak312 has gone to our OsDM server!
[2016-01-18 22:14:24] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 is now AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:25] [Output] : [!] Black::.CzDaV3 is now no longer AFK!
[2016-01-18 22:14:26] [Output] : [!] -HF-Maresak312 has left the game [Quit]


PostPosted: Wed 20. Jan 2016 13:21:23 
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lol,it's just a mute for 1 hour.. I would not be surprised, if you will be report mute by sistem for 5 minutes hh :D

Think what u did twice,before u did it.


PostPosted: Wed 20. Jan 2016 17:32:15 
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Nobody^-^ wrote:
lol,it's just a mute for 1 hour.. I would not be surprised, if you will be report mute by sistem for 5 minutes hh :D

Dude, your answers here are as useless as your life is. Just stop answer to this post.

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